

Phone: 07881297809
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anthony92's Slide Show

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anthony92's Slide Show

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anthony92's Slide Show

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anthony92's Slide Show

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About anthony92

Hey im Anthony 25 really nice guy but also have a dark side to me not as innocent as i look . Im
Completely submissive and looking to please !!


Last Online: 07:28am 19th Apr 2020

Last Updated: 19th April 2020

Member Since: 24th October 2016

Total Followers: 4

Client Job Responses: 0

Total Profile Visitors: 15,186

Today: 6 | This Week: 31

Last Week: 22 | Last 30 Days: 107

+29% increase since last week

Recent Updates
6th Jun 2018 13:36pm

Rates and Availability Updated

9th Jan 2018 13:35pm

Companionship added to interests and fetishes

9th Jan 2018 13:34pm

Status Updated (AVAILBLE) (no tweet)

3rd Nov 2017 13:53pm

Profile Updated

3rd Nov 2017 13:53pm

Agro added to interests and fetishes

3rd Nov 2017 13:53pm

Status Updated (AVAILBLE) (no tweet)

3rd Nov 2017 13:53pm

Watersports added to interests and fetishes

3rd Nov 2017 13:53pm

Bears and Cubs added to interests and fetishes

6th Nov 2016 10:48am

Wrestling added to interests and fetishes

6th Nov 2016 10:47am

Bears and Cubs added to interests and fetishes

26th Oct 2016 15:35pm

24th Oct 2016 17:48pm

Sports Kit added to interests and fetishes

24th Oct 2016 17:48pm

Scallys added to interests and fetishes

24th Oct 2016 17:47pm

Headline Updated

24th Oct 2016 17:47pm

Location Updated

24th Oct 2016 17:01pm

Profile Updated

24th Oct 2016 16:58pm

added to interests and fetishes

24th Oct 2016 16:58pm

Rubber added to interests and fetishes

24th Oct 2016 16:54pm

Location Updated

24th Oct 2016 16:53pm

Location Updated

Physical Appearance
  • Age: 24 | Gender: Male
  • Height: 5ft 8in (173 cm)
  • Weight: 8.5 St /54kg
  • Physique: Slim Slender
  • Body Hair: Lots Black
  • Cock Size: Average Uncut
  • Tattoos: None
  • Piercings: None
  • Sexual Preferences
  • Role: Submissive Bottom
  • Gender Preference: Men
  • Safe: Always
  • Couples: Yes
  • Smoke: Socially
  • Drink: Yes
  • Drugs: Never
  • Video Gallery
    Rates & Availability
  • Available for in-calls
  • Available for out-calls
  • Willing to travel
  • Short-notice considered
  • Able to accommodate
  • Available Weekends
  • Available Late Night
  • Available Public Holidays
  • Overnight bookings
  • In-calls

    ½ Hour: £

    1 Hour: £70

    2 Hours: £120


    ½ Hour: £

    1 Hour: £80

    2 Hours: £140

    Overnight rates


    Contact & Location
    Phone: 07881297809
  • Answers Phone Calls
  • NO Withheld Numbers
  • Responds to Texts
  • Social Networks
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